Trickster Mangbya and Grandma

By Zung Ring,

Long long time ago, there was a man known as Mangbya in a village. He was famous for being a trickster. Despite he was eloquent liar; the story did not mention that he cheated people for material or monetary profit but rather entertainment or fun. He spent most of his time fooling around for fun. Everyone knew that Mangbya was a liar but they all got fooled every time they met him.

One morning, a grandma returned from garden carrying vegetables with bamboo woven basket on her head. She met Mangbya in the middle of the village. “Mangbya, people said that you trick people all the time. Don’t trick me, I am carrying heavy basket.” suddenly said Grandma. “Right now, I have no time to fool people. I am so busy with watching fighting between sun and moon”, Mangbya replied. “Where is it?” grandma inquired. As soon as she raised her head to look up to sky, her basket fell off from her head and vegetables scattered on the street. So, Mangbya helped her collect scattered vegetables and put the basket on her head. Grandma headed home.

Quite a long time after the incident with grandma, Mangbya met a man. At that time, Mangbya was carrying a heavy food for firewood. The man said to Mangbya, “people claimed that you can fool people a lot. Why don’t you fool me as well?” “I forgot my secret fooling box at home. So I don’t have capacity to fool you at the moment. If you want me to be able to fool you, help me carry this wood so that I can go and get my secret box. Then, I’d fool you.” The man agreed. So Mangbya went home straight.

The man was waiting with the heavy wood on his shoulder. There was no sign of Mangbya’s return. The man began to wonder what have happened to Mangbya. After very long time, the man decided to follow Mangbya’s home to find out what have happened to him. When he arrived, Mangbya was sipping tea with great relax. The man got very angry but when he thought it over, he realized that he was fooled by Mangbya.

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