Myanmar Peace Process: International Donors Wasting Tax Payers' Money?

The ceasefire negotiations with ethnic rebel groups started soon after Thein Sein government came into power in 2011. Not many people know that there has been no official budget for such important task which is necessary for lasting peace in Myanmar. Thanks to international community (i.e., Japan, EU, and U.S) have been the major sponsors for peace efforts.

By now, multimillion dollar was spent. But after two years of negotiations, lasting peace is still elusive as the Burmese military forces continue attacks against Kachin Independence Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army, and Shan State Army - North which just had ceasefire agreement in 2012.

I wonder if Japanese, European and American tax payers ever wonder how their tax money is spent in Myanmar. As at now, the only people who are benefiting from this so-called peace efforts seem to be the mediators. Rumors have been floating that members of Myanmar Peace Center (MPC), the key mediating group, are enjoying monthly salary of USD 10,000. The ethnic rebel leaders who entered ceasefire deals with the government also enjoy lavish gifts including import car licenses that are worth of multimillion dollar. Given that the government has no budget for peace process, it is interesting where this money comes from. 

Many agree that the peace process is not progressing enough because international community chooses to ignore the ethnic rebel groups with a notion of empowering young Thein Sein government. The flaw of this notion is that it fails to recognize the fact that without comprehensive political agreement between ethnic Bamar (majority group) and ethnic minorities, there will be no democracy or peace. I am sorry but it is true.

Thein Sein government has been telling international community that nation wide ceasefire agreement will be signed soon. This will not happen until international community has gut to push Burmese military and the government to have meaningful political negations with ethnic groups. Otherwise, multimillion dollar donation for peace process will be a total waste!

Zung Ring
6 March 2014

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