Making Aung San Su Kyi President alone will not solve Burma's armed conflict

The ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) recently announced that it will propose a number of changes in 2008 Constitution to the parliament. Among the proposed articles for amendment is the Article 59F, which prohibits Aung San Su Kyi from running for president. 

Changing the constitution to enable Aung San Suu Kyi to run for presidency is a good sign. But this alone will not solve the country's long standing political conflict between ethnic Bamar and non-Bamar ethnic groups unless the grievances of ethnic minorities are well addressed.

Most of the so-called 'Burma Experts', Burma observers, and journalists naively make remarks or write in such a way that making Aung San Suu Kyi will solve the problem the country's problem. Successive Burmese government has used ceasefire talks as an opportunity to further expand its presence in ethnic states and prepare for war of attrition.

It is worth to acknowledge the effective strategy of 'divide and rule' employed by the successive Burmese government in controlling the ethnic armed groups. Likewise, it is also important to point out the stupidity or stubbornness of the leaders of ethnic armed groups for failing to unite and fight the common enemy. It is fair to conclude that armed conflict will live on until all ethnic armed groups come to their senses that unity and cooperation is the only way to achieve their common goal - gaining meaningful autonomy.

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